Virginia Commonwealth Transportation Board

Feb. 15, 2007 Workshop and meeting agendas

Virginia Department of Transportation
Central Auditorium
1221 E. Broad St.
Richmond, VA

Workshop agenda, beginning at noon

Regional transportation issues associated with BRAC

Future of surface transportation opportunities and challenges
Lance Neumann, Cambridge Systematics

Telegraph Road Connector, alternative corridor for Woodlawn Road and Beulah Street, Fairfax County
Dennis Morrison, Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)

Quarterly Report Card
David Ekern, P.E., VDOT commissioner

DRPT director’s report
Matthew Tucker, Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation director

Contracting interstate maintenance
Connie Sorrell, VDOT
Quintin Elliott, VDOT

Comparison of construction costs
Byron Coburn, P.E., VDOT

Meeting agenda

Upon adjournment of the Feb. 15, 2007 workshop

Public Comment:

Approval of Minutes: Jan.18, 2007

Local Assistance Division:

1. Action on economic development access
Presenting: Barbara Reese, chief financial officer

(A) Warren County
Allocation of $300,000.00 of the Fiscal Year Industrial, Airport, and Rail Access Fund to Interbake Foods Inc., located north of Front Royal, off Route 661, in Warren County
Project No.: 0661-093-184, M502.

2. Action on recreational access:
(A) Botetourt County
Deallocation of $50,000.00
Greenfield Historic Preservation Site and Welcome Center
Project No.: 0842-011-248, M501

Right of Way and Utilities Division:
Presenting: Stuart Waymack,division administrator

3. Action on land and/or easement conveyances:
(A) Route 86
City of Danville
Project Nos.: 0086-108-101, RW-201
0086-108-101, RW-202

(B) Route 460
Buchanan County
Project No.: 0460-013-101, RW-204

(C) Routes 637 and 638
York County
Project Nos.: 0637-099-134, C-501
0638-099-135, C-501

(D) Route 295
Hanover County
Project No.: 0095-042-106, RW-203
(old project 0295-042-101, RW-203)

4. Action on limited access control change:
(A) Interstate 64, Route 250 and Forest Avenue
Henrico County
Project 0064-043-001, RW-203

Programming Division:
Presenting: Barbara Reese, chief financial officer

5. Action on FY07-12 Six-Year Improvement Program transfers for Jan. 3, 2007through Jan. 30, 2007

Northern Virginia District:
Presenting: Dennis Morrison,district administrator

6. Location Approval:
Fairfax County
Richmond Highway – Telegraph Road Connector
Alternative corridor for Woodlawn Road and Beulah Street.

7. Action on approval of project memorandum of agreement (MOA) for the replacement of Woodlawn Road and Beulah Street, through Fort Belvoir in FairfaxCounty

Scheduling and Contract Division:
Presenting: Byron Coburn,P.E., division administrator

8. Action on bids received: the months of November 2006 and January 2007

New Business:


Last updated: January 31, 2025

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