10 a.m.: Tour of new Fredericksburg Rest Area
12:30 p.m.: Springfield Interchange Celebration
Immediately following this event, board members will travel to Fredericksburg while being briefed on:
1. HOT Lanes tour and discussion
Chief Engineer Malcolm Kerley, Virginia Department of Transportation
2:30 p.m.: Anticipated arrival at Fredericksburg Expo. Remaining presentations will be given.
Fredericksburg Expo and Conference Center
2371 Carl D. Silver Parkway, Fredericksburg, VA 22401
2. BRAC update
Tom Fahrney, Virginia Department of Transportation
Representative(s) from the Army - TBA3. Interstate 81 PPTA major business points
Mal Kerley, Virginia Department of Transportation4. DRPT Connection quarterly report
Chip Badger, Department of Rail and Public Transportation5. Amendments to 24 VAC 30-200-10 et seq. Vegetation Control
Quintin Elliott, Virginia Department of Transportation
Fredericksburg Expo and Conference Center
2371 Carl D. Silver Parkway,Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Public comment:
Approval of minutes: June 21, 2007
Local Assistance Division
Presenting: Mike Estes, P.E., director
1. Action on Economic Development (Industrial) Access:(A) Chesterfield County
Project 0932-020-305, M502
Ashton Creek Business Park, Phase II
Deallocation of $444,250.002. Action on Fiscal Year 2007 and Fiscal Year 2008 Revenue Sharing Program
3. Action on Revenue Sharing Reallocation:
(A) Augusta County
Route 764
Right of Way and Utilities Division:
Presenting: Melissa Corder, program manager
4. Action on Land and/or Easement Conveyances:(A) Route 262
Augusta County
Project No.: 0262-007-101, RW-204(B) Route 601, old Routes 601 and 714
Caroline County
Project No.: 0601-016-164, M-501(C) Route 643 (Spriggs Road), old Route 643, Route 640
Prince William County
Project No.: 0640-076-146, C-501
(D) Route 700
Patrick County
Project No.: 1370-065. Action on Limited Access Control Change:
(A) Route 37 and Future Extension of Jubal Early Drive Interchange and Route 621 (Merrimans Lane)
Frederick County
Project No.: 6037-034-101, RW-201
Commonwealth Transportation Board:
Presenting: Alan Witt, member, Commonwealth Transportation Board
6. Action on Independent Review Panel recommendations to the board regarding Route 460 Corridor Improvement Project
Location and Design Division:
Presenting: State Location and Design Engineer Mohammad Mirshahi
7. Action on location approval:Bell Creek Road Relocation
Hanover County
Project No.: 0360-042-123, PE101, RW201, C501
Innovative Finance and Revenue Operations:
Presenting: Chief of Policy, Planning and the Environment Richard L. Walton Jr.
8. Action on authorizing the issuance and sale of Revenue Refunding Bonds9. Authorization to execute extension agreement for provision of E-ZPass Electronic Toll Collection System equipment
Policy Division:
Presenting: Secretary of Transportation Pierce R. Homer
10. Action on appointment of assistant secretaries to the Commonwealth Transportation Board11. Action on signature authorizations CTB Credit Union checking account
Scheduling and Contract Division:
Presenting: Byron Coburn, P.E., division administrator
12. Action on bids received
New business:
Last updated: January 31, 2025