The Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) oversees transportation funding, statewide planning, project selection, and other initiatives in Virginia.
The CTB serves as the policy board for the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and the Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT).
The CTB consists of 17 members, including the Secretary of Transportation, who are appointed by the Governor. The CTB typically meets the third Tuesday and Wednesday of each month, and additional meetings may be called by the Secretary of Transportation.
The general powers of the CTB are outlined in Title 33.2 of the Code of Virginia. The CTB is guided in its decision making by CTB enacted policies, which can be found in the CTB Policy Handbook. The CTB's actions include approving most transit, rail, and highway contracts of more than $5 million, the environmental planning and location of transportation projects, and naming highways and bridges. The CTBs also approves strategic plans, prioritizes projects, and issues and monitors transportation debt, among other activities.
Last updated: February 24, 2025