Virginia Commonwealth Transportation Board

E. Scott Kasprowicz

At-Large Urban

Term expires June 30, 2025

Image of E. Scott Kasprowicz

E. Scott Kasprowicz has an extensive business and public service resume to compliment his substantial philanthropic and private aviation accomplishments. In 1983, he founded Texel Corporation, a privately held communications services company based in Reston, Virginia. Texel became one of the nation's largest private telecommunications services providers and was sold in 1999.

Kasprowicz, an avid conservationist and environmental impact advocate, later served as Deputy Secretary of Transportation under Governor Tim Kaine. He was influential in numerous planning and development initiatives including the advancement of the Dulles Rail project.  Governor Terry McAuliffe appointed Kasprowicz to the CTB in 2014 and reappointed him in 2017.

Kasprowicz presently serves as the vice chairman of AVX Aircraft, a Fort Worth-based aerospace company.  In addition, he serves as the chief executive officer of the Rockcrest Group, a commercial and retail property management company headquartered in Chantilly, Virginia.

In 2008, Kasprowicz, an accomplished aviator, became the chief pilot and logistics coordinator for the “Grand Adventure 2008”. He directed all planning and logistics activities and piloted a helicopter flight that successfully circumnavigated the globe in 11 days and 7 hours, establishing a new absolute world aviation record.

Contact E. Scott Kasprowicz at

Last updated: November 9, 2023

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