Virginia Commonwealth Transportation Board

All CTB meetings are open to the public. To ensure meetings are efficient and productive, the following protocol has been established.

  • Public comments will be scheduled as the first agenda item for each CTB business meeting.
  • No public comments will be accepted at CTB workshops.
  • Any member of the public wishing to provide public comment must sign a sign-up sheet prior to the start of the public comment portion of the agenda, and provide their name, address, the name of the organization they represent (if any), and the general topic or issue on which they desire to comment.
  • Individuals offering public comment should limit remarks to no more than three minutes. A maximum time limit of 30 minutes will be allocated for public comment at any one CTB business meeting. If the number of individuals on the sign-up sheet exceeds the allotted 30 minute time frame, the Chairperson has the latitude to limit individual remarks to a shorter time period. Individuals represented by a common organization or association may be asked to select one individual to speak for the group. Individuals who speak for less than their allotted time may not yield their remaining time to another speaker.
  • Public comments made at CTB meetings must be relevant to the CTB's functions and responsibilities.
  • Individuals may submit written comments to the Secretary of Transportation. All written comments will be forwarded to the CTB members.
  • Speakers shall direct all comments to the CTB, not to individual members.
  • Profane or vulgar language, partisan political statements, and comments related to the conduct or performance of CTB members or agency staff are not permitted.
  • Public comment is received without CTB comment or response. However, CTB members may seek clarification or additional information from speakers through the Chairperson.
  • The Chairperson has the right to exercise discretion in the implementation of this protocol.

Last updated: December 19, 2023

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